What Are Some Equestrian Events Where The Horse Must Run?

 Equestrian events are competitions that involve horses and riders, and there are many different types of events, some where the horse must run and others where the horse must walk or perform different movements. 

Here are a few examples of equestrian events where the horse must run:

Racing: Horse racing is one of the oldest and most popular equestrian events. 

Horses race at high speeds on tracks, and the first horse to cross the finish line wins the race.

Eventing: Eventing is an equestrian event that includes three different disciplines: dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. 

The cross-country phase includes galloping and jumping over obstacles, so the horse must run.

Endurance: Endurance riding is a long-distance competition where horses must run and cover a specific distance in a set time.

Steeplechase: Steeplechase is a form of horse racing where horses run over obstacles, including hedges and ditches, at high speeds.

Polo: Polo is a team sport where horse and riders are required to run at high speeds to score goals and win the game.

It's important to note that horses that participate in these events need to be trained, conditioned and maintained properly to perform at their best. They also need to be handled by experienced riders with the ability to handle the speed and the obstacles. These events require a lot of skill, discipline and practice to be successful.

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