What Are The 12 Common Symptoms Of A Brain Tumor?

 The symptoms of a brain tumor can vary depending on the location, size, and type of the tumor, as well as other factors such as the age and overall health of the person affected. Here are 12 common symptoms that may be associated with a brain tumor:

{Do Not Self-Medicate, Contact Your Doctor} 

This article is for information only and not for treatment. 

If you have any medical problem, consult a good doctor. 

If you follow these medical advices, do so at your own risk.

Headaches: These may be new or different from previous headaches and can be severe or persistent.

Seizures: These may be partial or generalized seizures, and can cause convulsions, muscle jerking, or loss of consciousness.

Cognitive changes: This may include difficulty concentrating, memory loss, confusion, or difficulty communicating.

Vision changes: This may include double vision, blurry vision, or loss of vision in one or both eyes.

Weakness or numbness: This may affect one side of the body, or specific limbs or muscles.

Difficulty balancing or coordination: This can lead to unsteady gait, stumbling, or falling.

Nausea and vomiting: These symptoms can be caused by increased pressure in the brain.

Personality changes: This may include mood swings, irritability, or changes in behavior.

Fatigue or lethargy: This can include feeling tired or weak, even with rest.

Speech difficulties: This may include difficulty finding the right words, slurred speech, or difficulty speaking clearly.

Hearing changes: This can include hearing loss, ringing in the ears, or sensitivity to sound.

Altered sense of smell or taste: This can include a loss of smell or taste or a change in the perception of taste.

It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, and having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have a brain tumor. However, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to see a healthcare provider for an evaluation.

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