Vikings Information Full History

 The Vikings were a seafaring people from the late eighth to early 11th century. 

They hailed from the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and their journeys took them as far as North America, East Asia, and Africa. 

They were known for their naval prowess and their successful raids and settlements in many parts of Europe, including Britain, Ireland, and Normandy. They also played a significant role in the development of Russia. 

The Vikings were skilled craftsmen, traders, and farmers, and their culture was rich in art, literature, and mythology.

The Viking Age, which lasted from the late 8th century to the mid-11th century, saw a significant expansion of the Vikings' geographical and cultural influence. 

The Vikings first began to raid and trade with other cultures in the late 8th century, and they quickly gained a reputation as fierce warriors and skilled traders. 

They established settlements in many parts of Europe, including England, Ireland, Scotland, and Normandy, and they also established trading colonies as far afield as modern-day Russia and Iceland.

In the 9th and 10th centuries, the Vikings began to explore and settle in North America, establishing a short-lived settlement in present-day Newfoundland, Canada. 

They also made forays into Africa and Asia, trading with the Islamic empire and the Byzantine empire.

The Vikings were known for their powerful longships, which allowed them to navigate the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic and navigate up shallow rivers to raid and trade. 

They were also skilled craftsmen, producing beautiful metalwork, textiles, and jewelry. Their culture was rich in art, literature, and mythology, and they had a complex system of laws and government.

The Viking Age came to an end in the 11th century, as the Vikings were gradually incorporated into the cultures of the lands they had settled and traded with. 

However, their influence can still be seen in the languages, place names, and genetic heritage of the peoples of northern Europe.

It's important to note that Vikings were not only raiders, they were also traders and settlers. 

They have played an important role in the development of many regions and cultures, and the impact of their exploration and expansion can still be felt today.

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